Monday, 15 June 2020

A Missing Film

There is a film between Inception and Interstellar that few can claim to have watched. It begins near the end of the first film and gives another perspective on the whole of the second. The story goes like this. Cobb, having observed his totem, realises that he was wrong all the way. While he was going "down" a level, he was actually going "up" one. He also learns not to brand events as dreams and reality. Not one level alone can claim any more realism than others. After this, he decides to do what he always thought he was doing: to go "down". Difference in time works the other way in that case. If one chooses wisely and goes down enough levels, one can be as close to immortality as one wants. For example, in one second spent on a level deep enough, an entire galaxy, with all its planets, civilisations and languages can be materialised, thrived and gone on some level above.
Eventually, he acquires the ability to be conscious simultaneously on all levels, without the need of medication and kicks to get in and out of them.
On one of the levels he sees a dying earth with humans unable to escape it. He decides to help them by getting one of them, named Cooper, go down a few levels and acquire some data and come back. Note that extraction was Cobb's speciality before he found he could do inception. In Cobb's trade, this data helps to bend reality at will by an expert architect. In Cooper's this is called quantum data and it helps to get humans away from their earth.

An architect in Cobb's trade bending reality on a level is equivalent to a physicist in Cooper's solving some equations. Different trades, different jargon.

Cobb selects Cooper because he has first-hand experience of what a father could endure to reunite with his children. The mission, to someone with a background in science like Cooper, looks like being led to field after field of greater gravitation. To Cobb, he is moving from level after level of greater depth. That is, towards immortality. Unnatural difference in ageing between Cooper and his daughter may be noted at this point. He has been to some deeper levels while she never left their common level.  Cooper is yet to learn that the name of "the bulk being from the fifth-dimension" is, simply, Cobb.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Is it Round?

I want somebody/something to do to the perception of the Universe what Magellan did to that of the Earth. That would reduce the Clutter a lot.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Tip of the Iceberg


Language is a complex multidimensional trap in which "communication" is only a bait.


Aliens, at least some (or the more important ones), are beings of the subconscious. They visited us a long time ago, when man was a simple child. What they did to him appears to us today as sowing of the seed of language. His world was changed so irreversibly that what they actually did is not knowable to him. From their perspective, it is definitely much more intricate than "sowing the seed of language". The next time you see a painting or listen to a tune, even if it is crayon on ruled paper or some notes from a toy piano, remember that it is a rebellion against them. Writers whose works take us to other worlds are merely thinning the fog that exists between worlds. They are not creating anything.


Someone inviting their opponent to "talk things over" must be confident of their skills in talking, if they understand the odds correctly. Tortoises are generally reluctant to go to races with hares, even after that famous and exceptional case. Hares are mischievously smiling at the backs, or 'the tail ends' to be more precise for quadrupeds (this human language!), of tortoises who agreed to do this.

Friday, 15 May 2020

From Point A to Point B

If science, with its own army of space probes, electron microscopes and particle accelerators, is trying to move from the point of absolute ignorance to the point of omniscience, why is it ignoring some other aspects of knowledge, say, history? Or humanities? Or more importantly, epistemology? Is it so determined that it does not accept some forms of knowledge? Or is it not about knowledge at all?

Friday, 13 March 2020

Moments of Truth

In your interaction with an entity that pretends to be a chameleon, there are two moments of truth. First you realise that the green you have been seeing it in, is not its true colour at all. Second, the chameleon you have been thinking it is since, is not its true nature at all.
What do you call such a thing?